Monday, October 26, 2020

Abundant rain arrived on Sunday and postponed the championship finals.  Not shocking considering it's 2020 but disappointing nonetheless.  We intended to aerate the greens on Monday with small solid tines but now we will do this on Tuesday.  This type of aeration interferes little with putting quality after they are rolled so don't worry abut the greens.  What we should worry about is the rain that is forecast on Thursday-Friday.  We will be working late in preparation for a significant rain event.  Hopefully we will have golf this weekend with Club Championship and Lentz's Revenge scheduled.

What a weird week of weather we experienced.  Three consecutive mornings of dense fog followed by warm sunny afternoons.

No fog delay on Saturday!

Leaf season has arrived.  Saturday morning moving leaves from 2/17 rough across 17 fairway.

Almost the entire crew working on the 17th hole Saturday morning.  

Moving leaves onto the parking lot and then mulching and picking up the mess Monday morning.

Friday, October 16, 2020

The course looks to be prime for our club championship.  After a washout Monday we experienced some amazing weather.  More rain arrived today with our first hint of real fall weather.  This weekend looks sunny, cool and crisp-perfect for golf.  Enjoy those greens!

On Monday we received 1.5" of beneficial rain.

Conditions were too wet to mow on Tuesday so we edged all green side bunkers and tamped the faces.  The fairway bunkers were finished throughout the rest of the week.

A completed bunker on the ninth hole.

Fairway bunker perfection.  You just don't want to be in it!

Amazing sunrise Thursday morning.

White asters completing a beautiful season of color changes on three lake bank.


Monday, October 12, 2020

 Its a rainy Monday.  Believe it or not but this is beneficial rain.  When was the last time that I said that?  We have extensively overseeded the golf course and this rain will help the new seedlings.  Bermudagrass rough areas were seeded especially hard.  Herbicides will be applied to these areas to help suppress the bermudagrass before entering full dormancy and will begin again in the spring.

Fescue seedlings emerging.

Bentgrass filling in in the tenth walkway.  After a difficult summer you have to marvel how fast the bent recovers.

Josh overseeding the driving range fairway with perennial rye a second time.  Weather did not cooperate the first time.

There is still too much of this occurring.  Two unrepaired divots near the 16th green aimed at 2 green.  Practice swing and then the real shot I guess.

 A fresh unrepaired ball mark.  At least this is easy to fix but unacceptable nonetheless.

This is much worse.  It certainly doesn't take much time to fix a ball mark this way but it will take weeks to recover.  We are spending more time fixing damage like this.  Please help by repairing them properly.

Fall color in the 8th creek.  Leaves are turning late this year.

Chess or checkers?  Bentgrass in its prime.