Wednesday, August 12, 2020

More heat and humidity have been the story since the last blog.  However the cavalry is coming as really nice weather is in the forecast! We are ready to attack the worst areas in the fairways next week.  We had planned to start today but of course it rained.  Fortunately we weren't in the crosshairs on this one but more is expected before the cold front arrives.  Next week looks busy!

Our greens have performed quite well through the heat of the summer.  Perfection is the goal but unrealistic.  Richard and Jose Nunez detailing all weak areas on Friday.
Seeding followed by light dimpling to set the seed in the soil.

Purple magic. Five days later! 

A closer look.
We began knifing poor fairways on Tuesday.  We'd like to seed these beginning Monday. 

Let 'em breathe!
If there was ever a year to show the value of circulation fans it's this one.  Our weakest greens are some of the best this summer.

Four green.

Without the fan the fifth green might not of survived this summer.

Three green showing off.
Nice sedge control.
Goosegrass is starting to show up on tees and fairways.  It illustrates that preemergent herbicides have about worn out and seeding may soon begin.  It has been so hot we have stopped applying postemergent herbicides fearing damage to the bent.  Now that temperatures are working in our favor we will resume applications. Bermudagrass in the rough will also be treated before we begin rough seeding.  Expect some brown bermudagrass later this month. 
Gill keeping a watchful eye for foxes Wednesday night.



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