Thursday, June 4, 2020

It has been a busy week on the course.  Mondays continue to be the cat daddy for maintenance.  This week our crew edged all the green side bunkers, installed annuals in the large bed behind 18 green, sprayed all the fairways and the practice green, worked with a tree contractor removing dead or dangerous trees, began applying a preemengent herbicide and mowed some rough.  Whew!

Edging green side bunkers.  We also tamp the sand as needed.
This is the same bunker later in the week.  The player walked up the face of the bunker and collapsed the sand.  Never walk in or out the high side of a bunker.
A bucket truck was required to remove the tree at the 6th tee.  That is a 480 volt 3-phase power line that feeds the pump house he is working over.
Notice anything different?
Dead oak on 8 gone!
Two more oaks between 2 and 8 removed.
One of our last scrub pines and a sourwood removed between 3 and 16.
Cleaning up the area left of 12 green.
Hauling away the logs.  This represents three days work.
Annuals going in 18 green bed.  The start of a long day.
Josh spreading our second application of Dimension herbicide in the rough.  Split applications work better with this herbicide.
Working on some weak turf in our short game area.  Richard using an aerifier to create a seed bed.
This is a success trial.  We broadcast some leftover wildflower seed on the bank of 4 tee last winter and bam!  We will do the entire bank this coming winter.

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