Friday, February 14, 2020

Wow are we glad that it finally stopped raining.  The course is saturated and this sun and wind are just what it needs.  Winter is not completely over with cold temperatures expected through Saturday.  The course will reopen with play on the regular greens on Sunday.  Winter blankets will be removed either next week or the week after.  Long range weather looks promising.

We removed the turf cover on three green February 5th and the turf looked excellent.  Expect all the covers to be removed and the greens back in play very soon.
Beautiful work by the crew before the two week deluge.
Another view of our hard working crew below three tee.
The nature trail in the woods between holes ten and twelve is complete.  This will be used during Kids Camp and nature walks.
Josh constructed this walk bridge out of one of our downed oaks.
Operation Bermudagrass Reduction has begun.  Weather needs to cooperate to help achieve success.  Cool season grasses are beginning to grow.
Daffodils beginning to bloom on February 6th!
Gill is excelling as a goose dog. 

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