Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Four weeks later a new knee and lots of improvements to the course!  Thanks to everyone for your support through this entire year and for all the kind words post surgery.  Our crew carried the torch while I've been out and are to be complimented for their fine work.  Now on to November's pictures.

The original cost for purchased irrigation water was much less than anticipated which allowed us to complete several projects before winter arrived.  The 7th fairway approach was shortened just a bit and a wet area was repaired.  All the surrounding rough was replaced afterwards.  The bent sod was used for an improved upper tee on 11.  The crew rebuilt this entire tee.
Preparing the base of 11 tee.
The base just about ready with drainage installed.
Adding construction mix after grading the base.
Wrapping up the final grade.
Adding bent and fescue sod and the tee is complete.  This tee should allow more play than in the past with a level surface and proper base.
Seven approach with new rough sod.
Once the work on 7 was completed it was on to the 17th hole where we wrapped nearly the entire fairway with fescue sod.
Beautiful work by the crew.
We spiffed up the front entrance to the club as well.  This area will be a real show place in the future!
We all know winter is around the corner.  Deep tine aeration is very beneficial at this time and was completed on all greens and tees.
Special kudos to Julio and Rony for planting a gazillion tulips for our spring enjoyment.  My back aches just looking at Julio in this picture.


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