Friday, September 13, 2019

A little rain has helped our cause this week.  We are hoping for more but some is better than none!  Course maintenance went well.  The greens have recovered nicely and are in great shape for early September.  The rest of the course is improving every day and should be in great condition for fall.

The level of the lake on four has risen some but we need more rain.
Our greens just one week after opening from fall aerification.
The first mow on Wednesday.
Fifteen tee seeded with perennial ryegrass.
Our new seeder is money!  Plenty of new seedlings throughout the rough in a drought.
The new wildflower beds have been seeded. 
The member's favorite tree after pruning.
We now have camouflaged carts.
Asters growing in the wildflower bed on the third hole.

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