Thursday, December 19, 2019

We are putting a wrap on the 2019 golf season.  The golf course will remain open as long as the weather allows.  Temporary greens and tees are set up and will be used as necessary.  If we are on temporary greens only the back nine will be available for play.  Currently greens 3,4 and 5 are covered as well as 15 tee.  These will reopen in March weather permitting.

The irrigation system has been winterized for the season.  Here compressed air is blown through the system to remove excess water in the pipes.
Leaves are still a problem but we are getting close to finishing.
Putting winter turf covers on the fourth hole on a foggy morning.
Julio and Rony covering tulip bulbs with pine fines mulch.
Our Redexim overseeder was an excellent purchase.  Despite some difficult weather conditions we established quite a bit of tall fescue throughout the rough.  This will become more apparent in the spring.
Another photo illustrating rows of shade loving seedlings between one and nine.
The challenge for 2020 is to reduce the bermudagrass population in our fairways.  We have shown that we can remove bermudagrass in the rough with herbicides and sod/seed as shown in this picture.  The fairways will be more of a challenge.
Adding rip rap to the eroding ditch between one and nine.
The wildflower garden on the third hole has been a success.  As cold weather arrives it provides cover for all types of wildlife from the elements.  This will be mowed down in late winter/early spring.



Friday, December 6, 2019

The 2019 golf season is in the books.  Overall it was a very successful year for the golf course.  The Monday half day closure was a big bonus and we hope you noticed some of the improvements that occurred.  Thanks to the membership for your understanding through this change.  Anytime change occurs we all know there is a period of adjustment.  We didn't always quite get it right and there were some occasional blips due to the weather.  We will continue to make this an overall win for everyone!
Prepping the greens for some golf and our final fungicide application of the season to prevent winter disease.
Josh applying two fungicides and a growth regulator to the 5th green to prevent annual bluegrass seed head development in the spring. Research has shown an application of Proxy growth regulator at this time in conjunction with spring applications gives better results than spring applications alone.  Winter covers will be placed on greens 3,4, and 5 as early as next week to protect these greens from cold temperature damage.
Can you say better late than never?  We are finally installing pipe to drain a wet area below the clubhouse.  Once completed we will enlarge the garden and provide Francesco with more fresh vegetables.
This pipe was installed underneath the blacktop to carry the water into the storm drain at the swimming pool.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Four weeks later a new knee and lots of improvements to the course!  Thanks to everyone for your support through this entire year and for all the kind words post surgery.  Our crew carried the torch while I've been out and are to be complimented for their fine work.  Now on to November's pictures.

The original cost for purchased irrigation water was much less than anticipated which allowed us to complete several projects before winter arrived.  The 7th fairway approach was shortened just a bit and a wet area was repaired.  All the surrounding rough was replaced afterwards.  The bent sod was used for an improved upper tee on 11.  The crew rebuilt this entire tee.
Preparing the base of 11 tee.
The base just about ready with drainage installed.
Adding construction mix after grading the base.
Wrapping up the final grade.
Adding bent and fescue sod and the tee is complete.  This tee should allow more play than in the past with a level surface and proper base.
Seven approach with new rough sod.
Once the work on 7 was completed it was on to the 17th hole where we wrapped nearly the entire fairway with fescue sod.
Beautiful work by the crew.
We spiffed up the front entrance to the club as well.  This area will be a real show place in the future!
We all know winter is around the corner.  Deep tine aeration is very beneficial at this time and was completed on all greens and tees.
Special kudos to Julio and Rony for planting a gazillion tulips for our spring enjoyment.  My back aches just looking at Julio in this picture.


Saturday, November 2, 2019

The end of the golf season has arrived.  I hope you were able to participate in Lentz's Revenge today.  My guys always put a lot of effort and enthusiasm in the set up. Thanks to  my crew for all they have done through another difficult year managing turf in the mid-Atlantic. 

Happy Revenge day has arrived!
Thanks to a great crew for a rewarding year.
Once this green is double rolled look out!
Murphy's Law at work,  Our first frost on tournament day.
We were hoping this one white oak would bounce back but all those limbs on the ground tell another story.
Prepping greens before rolling.
Our greens are as good as I can remember.  The practice green is having its best season and Monday closure is part of its success.
A sure sign that fall has arrived.  Wintering hooded mergansers have arrived
Happy Halloween!  Go Vols!!!


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

My how the weather has changed.  It is a welcome sight seeing the lake full again but don't we miss all that roll!  Now that we have some ground moisture we are tackling some work we held off on during the drought.  Fairway bayonet aeration and seeding bermudagrass areas in the fairways is foremost followed by fertilization of fairways and rough.  We are finally seeing germination is areas we seeded weeks ago!  It just goes to show how important rain and cooler temperatures are.

Bayonet tine aeration at sunrise on the first hole.
Slicing bent seed into bermudagrass. 
Seeding the driving range fairway with perennial rye on Monday.
Ryegrass seed in the groove.  This was seeded in two directions.
Our guys seeding ryegrass near the clubhouse.
Bentgrass germinating in fairways that was seeded weeks ago.  Under optimum conditions bent will germinate in three days!
The previous week the crew began raising part of the Audubon garden bed that had poor drainage.
This bed was not built up enough and held too much water.  Look at the water in the hole after several shrubs were removed.  Plants should thrive when this is completed.
Adding more plants to the entrance bed.
We continue to add new chips throughout the course.
Red Sprite deciduous holly (winterberry) near the sixth green.
A hickory shining on the tenth hole.
Once again the early bird catches the sunrise!




Thursday, October 17, 2019

Finally rain!  It has been 96 days since our last one inch rain event but it happened.  Our irrigation lake has a very large watershed as exhibited by the amount of recharge we experienced.  We received 1.2" Wednesday and that amount nearly filled the lake.  The drought is not over but this is a huge help.  We will resume seeding next week as well as some other work put off by the drought.

Four lake on Tuesday.  Is that corn growing?
Thursday morning and the lake is nearly full.  Generally 1.5" rain events will fill the lake.
Adding fresh chips to our chip beds.
Oscar and Jose B performing some temporary bridge repair.  This will be rebuilt this winter.
Nice contrast of mowing heights around 18 green.
Honeybees in the asters by 3 lake. The bees love this particular plant.
Female Ginkgo with stinky fruit.  These trees will be a brilliant yellow next week and then the leaves will suddenly drop.
What a sunrise!