Monday, December 31, 2018

Rain on the last day of the year is a fitting end to the wettest year on record.  Let's all make a wish for drier conditions in 2019.  The mild weather is allowing us to accomplish some unusual jobs as we enter the new year.  Changing hole locations, rolling greens and raking bunkers are seldom done this time of year and it's a nice change.

This is an unfortunate consequence of too much rain and very disappointing.  Please repair divots by replacing the turf or use sand if available.  Replacing the divot is preferred in the cool months of the year and will heal rapidly.  Leaving the divot unrepaired allows an opening for weed invasion.
Raking bunkers for New Years Day.
Rolling greens as well.
Eight tee turned out great.  Here's a picture earlier this year and ...
Here's the new tee and expanded collar. Once the turf greens up it will look significantly better.  
Our family went downtown last week and look who also has a bemudagrass problem!  Reducing the amount of this weed will be difficult but will be a major focus in 2019.

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