A true sign that winter is coming. Hooded Mergansers have returned!
Removing summer annuals and preparing to plant spring bulbs. Do you remember where your bulbs are? It's time to plant.
Fall color has been late and mediocre. This is a Black Gum and normally one of the earliest trees to exhibit color-usually in early September but struggling in early November to perform.
Even our Ginkgo's have been disappointing. This is the only one that showed much color but Saturday's freeze put a stop to that.
This young red maple can't decide what to do!
Daily headaches.
Edgar blowing leaves on the 1st hole.
The cool moist weather has been ideal for new sod.
The men working hard on the 7th hole.
Nice white roots pegging down rapidly.
A monarch butterfly enjoying our wildflowers. Awesome!!
We have identified three flowering species in this bed so far. This is Spurred Snapdragon.
This is Wallflower.
Lastly is this unidentified flower-anyone have an idea?
It all looks great! Thanks to the whole crew.