Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Another dose of rain today and a fitting end to May.  Cloudy, cool, and damp has been the story this month.  Hopefully the course will begin to dry up as June arrives.  We have been fortunate to dodge some of the bigger rainfall totals that some courses have experienced.  Nonetheless almost ten inches of rain occurred this month.  The crew has performed great throughout.

Consequences of too much rain-soft greens and ball marks needing to be repaired.

Lightning hit on a red oak between two and eight earlier this week.

This tree just fell down last week in the same area.

The sun did come out on occasion.  Here Jose B mows the third fairway.  It takes talent to mow a straight line too!

Julio and company have done some stellar planting throughout the course.  The pollinating garden is the next big task.  Another application of RoundUp is coming before we begin prepping the soil.

The wildflower bed will be worked on next week as well.

This is a welcome sight.  The bermudagrass is just beginning to grow and needs lots of warm temperatures to flourish.

Jack continues to be a work in progress with his people skills but there is no doubt about his ability to  move geese off our property!

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