Thursday, February 2, 2017

It's Groundhog Day and we're playing golf!  It may be a little cold but for mid-winter you can't ask for much more.  The long range forecast is not looking too bad either.  At this point is doesn't appear we will move to temporary greens other than 3,4, and 5.

The tarps were taken off the 17th tee so we could apply a granular fungicide.  The turf is rooting in nicely under the covers and exhibits good color.

The forward tee.  All the sod throughout the course has rooted in nicely.

Some nice healthy white roots in tall fescue sod at the clubhouse.

The crew is edging cart paths when time permits. 

Josh plugging out Poa annua plants in the practice green and replacing it with plugs from the perimeter of the green. 

The two green patches are the Poa.  These will aggressively spread at warp speed if not addressed now.  What an amazing grass it is though not the adjective I generally use to describe it.

Hundreds of plugs have been replaced so far with more to come.

The ponds aren't frozen so we are removing accumulated leaves near 16 green.

A nice little snow on Monday and back open on Wednesday.  

Jack is a big fan of snow days!

Edgar is studying to become a commercial pesticide applicator.  Here Josh works with him in disease identification.

The first tulips are just emerging!

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