Part of our crew cutting back brush on the fourth hole. We are well ahead of this work compared to
last year.
Removal of a dead oak next to the sixth tee and pretty tricky with power lines and the tee nearby.
Finally some wood has been split from the removals. Free to our membership it may be picked up in the woods near the twelfth green.
Monday was an "interesting" day where not much was accomplished thanks to losing power right at start time. Without power and no heat our crew only worked a half day. At one time we had nine Dominion Power trucks at our shop. It was finally restored at 3:30.
The newly sodded areas are rooting in nicely. Here nice white roots are beginning to peg into the soil at the 17th tee.
Crows have been a real problem recently. Hundreds upon hundreds have descended on our property eerily reminiscent of Hitchcock's The Birds.
Crow damage to the first green.
Crows, really? Sic Jack on them.