Sunday, December 4, 2016

Rain and cooler weather have finally arrived.  Most of the leaves are down so we hope to wrap them up this week. Haha! It seems the leaves are never done.  Windy conditions have tested our staff as well as a welcome rain event.  We laid almost half an acre of fescue sod around the weather.  The 17th tee project is going well.  With rain forecast for much of the coming week it will be interesting to see what gets accomplished.

Before tee construction began we chose to relocate the birch tree to the other side of the pond.

Sod from the 17th tee now on the 4th forward tee.  This will be covered for the winter and remain closed until spring.

Tee construction underway.

The majority of the soil for the tees was generated from the 4th hole.  A new concrete end wall will be added to the existing drain pipe.  This entire area will be sodded and maintained at rough height.

Preparing for new rough on the 17th hole.  Weather will dictate how much more we can do.  So far we have laid nearly two acres!

Leaf work is a daily chore.  The wood chip areas are ideal for moving leaves into and then mulching.

Ducks have arrived in our ponds but no sign yet of you know who.  I'm gonna give Jack credit!  I counted 36 mallards and nine hooded mergansers the other day.  

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