Saturday, July 16, 2016

At long last our intense tournament grind is over and we can take a breath!  The golf course handled the extra stress very well with the help of some nice weather and timely rain.  Many thanks to my staff for their hard work.  They are the best!

Preparing the fifth hole on July Fourth for club championship finals.

Dusting greens with sand to improve playability.

It has been difficult scheduling rough mowing around all the tournaments.  The rough has been particularly healthy this season as you can attest to!

The benefits of lightweight mowing are already being seen.  This along with aggressive growth regulator applications have helped improve our fairways.

Enough said….

Our purple martins occupied every house again this season.  They don't seem to mind the tilt to this house either.  They will be moving south very soon so enjoy them while they are here.

Saw this guy in the creek by five green this morning.

Our red tail hawks are doing well and are on their own now.  Their loud high shriek can be heard regularly.

Jack is getting use to the course but the adjustment has been tough for him so far.

The early bird catches the worm or in this case a beautiful sunrise!

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