Sunday, June 12, 2016

It has been a beautiful week on the course.  For the first time this season we did not miss a mow which is truly amazing and speaks for how wet the course has been.  Regular applications of growth regulators have been instrumental in keeping growth manageable.   With the hot and dry conditions we experienced this weekend we started to irrigate quite a bit.  Amazing how fast conditions can change!

New fairway mowers have arrived.  These lightweight mowers will benefit our fairways tremendously.

Four new greens mowers were also purchased and used this weekend for the first time.

A circulation fan was recently added to the thirteenth green complex.

Growth regulators are really pushing the bentgrass to overtake the annual bluegrass in the fairways.  This area was predominately annual bluegrass last year.  Not anymore!

All that rain helped undercut this bridge on the seventh hole.  Here Jose begins the repair.

The next day the other side of the pipe was worked on.

Completed flowerbed at the second tee.

Lots of deer are seen on the course almost daily. 

There is a really little fawn with its mother in this picture.

Foxes are seen regularly too.  This little guy is quite curious and paused long enough to have his picture taken.

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