Tuesday, September 29, 2015

September is winding down and we are in real need of significant rainfall.  We have not had a one inch rain event since late July.  For the month of September we have received just under one inch.  Of course it is raining as this is being typed.  Too little, too late for much of our seed work.

Not a pretty sight.

Our pump intake is easy to see.

Yoshino cherry trees defoliated due to the drought.

Pin oak under stress.

Josh seeding some stressed areas in the rough as we wait for rain.

The bermuda driving range tee has been overseeded with perennial ryegrass.  Here Josh is dragging the seed into the turf canopy.

One week later we are seeing germination throughout.

Here is the super's best friend Jim Groody repairing divots in the 7th fairway.

A sure sign of fall- collecting chestnuts near the 17th green.

The sod has rooted in well on the 4th hole and is ready for play.  Please keep pull carts off this sod for 

 There have been plenty of earthworms in our fine turf areas this year.

Our greens have recovered beautifully from aeration.  Fairways are being mowed in the push-pull method to protect our rough seeding. 

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