Saturday, August 22, 2015

August is winding down and seeding time is here.  We begin working on some of the fairways and rough this week and go full bore the following two weeks.  Please pay attention to cart rules as we will really be throwing the water to areas that have been seeded.

Pylex continues to do a nice job suppressing the bermudagrass in the fairways.  We realize it is not very attractive but hopefully the bermudagrass population will eventually be reduced to not stand out so much.

This area of the 18th fairway had much more bermudagrass last year.
Pylex is particularly effective on goosegrass.  The cart path edges were recently treated at 1/2 ounce  to the acre!
Hopefully a lesson will be learned from this.  The sprayer was not cleaned properly before a fungicide was applied.  This is Pylex residue left in the tank from a previous spray.  The bermudagrass should grow out of this in about three weeks.
The driving range tee continues to receive plenty of use.  We will begin reducing play on the turf soon.  We are already preparing the bermudagrass for winter by raising the height of cut.
Foxes are really in their element this time of year.  Now that is a foxhole!
There are lots of wildflowers courtesy of Mother Nature in our creeks.  We have cut back some of the overgrowth in play areas but are promoting this where possible.
Another type of flower that we haven't seen before.
Our annual maintenance picnic featured mallet busting crabs!!

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