Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Its competition time and the weather has not been cooperating.  From a very dry May to an extremely wet June we are fortunate not to have too much heat or we'd be in trouble.  Ten inches of rain for the month with lots of tree damage have gassed our staff.  The long range weather looks favorable so maybe we can get the rough cut!

Heavy rain undermined the bridge on the 11th hole.
Here Erik and Jose do their best to make the bridge safe.
Lots of tree damage on Tuesday highlighted by this.  Our crew is our greatest asset and they proved themselves once again.
Logs and branches galore.  A contractor will be here Thursday to chip up the limbs.
We have purchased a new John Deere tractor and are saying goodbye to a relic.  Here Oscar tows our 1960's Massey Ferguson to the clubhouse.  We traded in three old tractors.
Three tractors leaving our club after many great years of service.  The Deere tractor is going in for service.
The practice green was closed due to too much play on Monday.  This green will be monitored regularly and closed on occasion so it can recover.

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