Friday, May 29, 2015

It appears we have skipped spring and moved directly into summer.  It has also been especially dry in May with rainfall barely over one inch for the month.  Hopefully we will see some timely rains beneficial to the course as well as more moderate temperatures.  The summer forecast looks promising with temperatures expected to be below normal through August.  We can only hope!  The warm weather has helped the new bermudagrass sod on the driving range tee and we anticipate opening it for play on June 6th.  Our greens have recovered nicely from aeration and are fast and smooth again.  Beware!
A rough winter and an ugly start to spring...
Sodding Patriot bermudagrass.  Instant gratification.
Mowing at 3/4" eight days after sodding!
There has been plenty of irrigation going on during this very dry May.
Drain lines are very visible right now with the lack of rainfall.  Some of the sands we used are too droughty but very functional when wet conditions prevail.
There are weekly applications of plant protectants occurring.  Here the practice green is sprayed with a fungicide, growth regulator, fertilizer and wetting agent.  The blue-green dye is used for accuracy.  Foam is used in its place in the fairways.
The growth regulator is doing its thing to the annual bluegrass.  Here bent can be seen spreading into a divot.  We are making progress.
Ever blooming roses that are never blooming.  These have been a disappointment so far.  Here Julio is fertilizing to try and encourage bloom.
We are in the honey bee business!  We started this in April and are having great success.  We are expecting to supply the club with honey next season.  The hives are located at the shop and if you are interested in viewing let us know.  This is part of our Audubon Sanctuary program that we are working on.  Our soil consultant Peter Maybach is mentoring me in the art of beekeeping.

Springfield honey!

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