Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Need we say more!
Once aerated the cores are windrowed in piles either side of the green.
We then pick them up and leave in a pile on the cart path where the tractor and trailer can transport them to an area in the deep rough.
The green is now ready to be topdressed. 

All of the fans are now operational and just in the nick of time.  This hot and humid period we are experiencing is the most difficult weather of the season.
This is the new source of power to the fan on five green.  The old pedestal will be removed soon. We are budgeting for a new fan at this green next year.
This should look familiar.  This eyesore in front of the fifteenth tee will be seeded and managed as rough.  The new nursery will be moved further to the right.
We have been really good this year with insect repellent but not perfect!  Notice the green footprint.  Please apply insect repellent only on the cart path. 
Pylex continues to inhibit bermudagrass in our fairways.  These treatments will continue up to frost.
Happy birthday to our fairways!  It was one year ago we began seeding Crystal BlueLinks.

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