Agricultural chemotherapy. I heard this term twice in the same day and it is very true. While eliminating the bermudagrass in the rough the chemical was also harsh on some of the desirable tall fescue. These areas are being overseeded.
Pylex has worked very well in the fairways but the bermudagrass sticks out like a sore thumb right now. We are observing bent beginning to fill in these areas even before we have seeded which is encouraging.
If you saw some irrigation on Saturday morning after all the rain you had to be wondering what in the world are we doing??? This is the rough around nine green where some very hungry white grubs were munching on our nice turf. An insecticide was applied and immediately watered in.
Our turf care center encountered some vandalism Friday night. Fortunately only some paint graffiti to one of our tractors has been discovered so far.
The knucklehead was so smart he left a clue. Leaving his cell phone was even more helpful!
Our greens are as a good as they have ever been!