Friday, July 18, 2014

Wow!  September in July.  This is marvelous weather we are experiencing and the golf course is the better for it.  The lake is full too which usually means we have had too much rain- but not this year.  Timely rain and just the right amount have been the story this summer so far.  Whether it will continue we will just have to wait and see.  In the meantime let's all enjoy!

We continue to solid tine the greens every two weeks.  This shows the practice green immediately after aerating.
Once rolled it is hard to tell we were there.
Our fans are back in business.  This is an unusual site as the fan is off on July 18th due to the fall like weather.
This is nice to see.  Divots do grow back in the summer if repaired properly and the weather cooperates.
Bentgrass recovering from divots.  Both divots are recovering nicely even though the turf has died in the center.  Lateral growth with the Crystal BlueLinks is quite good.
Birds are not helping us out here.  It is much easier to find dinner by removing a divot than pecking through the dense turf.
This is golfer could care less decline in the 7th fairway on Thursday morning. 
Carts do damage stressed turf.  This is the 3rd fairway with carts restricted to the path I thought.
The same area one week later.
Stressed turf on a southern exposure.
The course has seen some pretty good disease in the rough.  This is Rhizoctonia blight or brown patch on the 6th hole.
Daylillies on the 4th hole without deer damage so far.....
New tee signs are being installed on the course and look great!


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