Saturday, November 16, 2013

We had another nice week of work on the course despite the very cold weather.  We have completed six fairway bunkers so far with six to go.  Leaves continue to be a challenge but we are keeping up.  Even though we are not playing golf leaves must be kept off the new turf as much as possible.  The fairways have showed some mechanical damage from the leaf blowing so we are limiting how much we work on them.  The new fairway and rough turf continue to impress.  We are just completing the last fertilizer applications on them that will help increase root mass and build up carbohydrate reserves for next year.

Drainage installation on the second hole.
Completed bunkers on the second hole.  The white sand really shows well against the green turf.
Eighteen fairway bunker with the sand flashed for visibility from the tee.
We encourage you to walk on the fairways except when they are covered with frost.  These are foot prints several days later from a walker in the morning that didn't know better.  The turf is bruised but will recover.
Five tee is proving to be a challenge.  This is the soil temperature at one o'clock on Friday.  Roots are only about two inches deep.  We will cover these tees with a turf blanket for the winter.
This fellow is not helping the situation.
Julio and Rony have the strongest backs on our staff.  They have just completed planting ten thousand tulips!
One of the benefits of our tree removal program is that our better trees stand out much better.  This is a sawtooth oak on the second hole.  Magnificent!
Another positive is we have created some natural areas with chips from the many trees that were cut down.  These areas are great for blowing leaves into them and then mulching as David is doing here one cold morning.
The ninth hole.


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