Friday, June 14, 2013

It has been a difficult week maintaining the course with all the rain.  Fortunately we did not get any from the expected deluge on Thursday so we consider ourselves lucky.  Rainfall totals are almost 6 inches since last Friday.  Our crew is to be commended for all their hard work through this period.

Drainage on #7 working

Recently installed drainage on #8 doing its thing.
Bunker on #8 before repairs are made.
A cheerful bunch after restoring the bunker for play.  No more rain!
One of the unfortunate results of too much rain.  Soft greens and large unrepaired ball marks. 
This is an example of ryegrass contamination in a predominately bentgrass fairway.  Our fairway conversion will allow us to have a consistent stand of one type of turf that is easier to maintain.
Bermudagrass encroachment in our new fescue green surrounds (the silvery turf is the bermuda).  Applications of the new herbicide Pylex  begin in July to eliminate the bermuda.


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