Monday, March 18, 2013

Solid Tine Aerifying

With the nice weather last week, the turf care staff got a jump start on spring aerification. As you can see to the right, Francisco deep-tined greens using 1/2" solid tines at a depth of 9".

Deep tine is designed to relieve compaction, while fracturing the soil profile. This process breaks through the hard pan and allows oxygen to get down into the root zone area. It also allows water to penetrate and drain through the soil profile, thus eliminating standing water due to poor drainage. This process will promote deep, healthy, and vigorous roots.

Solid-tine has a minimal impact on playing conditions. After the greens are deep-tined, they will be rolled in several directions for a smooth, non-disrupted playing surface.

After aerification

Green after being rolled

During the same time last week, we also aerifyed fairways and approaches. This process takes a bit longer then aerifying greens due to the increased acres of bent-grass fairways.

Luis aerifyed fairways using 5/8" solid tines at a depth of 4".

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