Thursday, September 8, 2022

 Course maintenance went very well through some trying weather.  Rain finally arrived on Tuesday, and we didn't have to purchase water.  What a break!  To everyone's delight the rough height has been reduced to the lowest recommended height for tall fescue.  Enjoy!

Monday morning and the start to a long work week.  Francisco is on the deep tine aerator on the first green at dawn.

Luis seeding the rough between one and eighteen.  We concentrated on weak turf in areas where trees were removed last winter.

While the greens were deep tined Rony aerated tees and collars.  The rest of the crew picked up the plugs.

Shawn seeded bent in weak areas in the fairways.

On Tuesday all the greens were core aerated.  This is the last pass on the last green aerated.  The rest of the crew cleaned all the greens in preparation for topdressing on Wednesday.

Wednesday topdressing was applied followed by a light brushing.  Once brushed the crew used blowers to work sand into the profile.

We had three contractors on site during course closure.  Four trees were removed using a crane.

Remember the tree in the lake by five tee?  This took some doing but it was removed.  The water level being down helped in the removal.

Unfortunately, they continue to decline.  This oak was just pruned in the winter.

We had a stone mason repair bridge abutments on holes 7, 10 and 11.  

McDonald and Son came back and did some warranty work near the fairway bunker on the fifth hole where some settling had occurred.

Fairways were sprayed after seeding on Thursday with products to enhance recovery.

Laboring on Labor Day.  No rest for the weary!

Shawn overseeding the driving range tee with perennial ryegrass on Monday.  We will play on mats for several weeks while the turf establishes.

Mowing rough at 2 1/2"

Mowing greens only seven days after topdressing!!!