It's Member Guest week. It is always fun prepping the course for a big competition. We continue to be in catch up mode but finally have enough labor to get caught up. Some of our labor is pretty green so there will be some growing pains.
It's Monday of Member Guest week. Double cutting greens and edging bunkers.
Putting a nice edge on the greenside bunkers followed by tamping the entire perimeter.
Spraying the fairways prior to the big event. Fairways are sprayed preventively every two weeks.
A light dusting of sand topdressing to help true up the putting surfaces.
Erosion controls being applied at our garden.
Some great practice technique at the chipping fairway. Thank you!
Cicada remnants. The dieback is from the female cicada laying her eggs in numerous slits along the outer branches of various trees. Each female lays up to 400 eggs!
It's the first day of summer and the lake is full.
Juvenile red tail hawk recently fledged from the pine on the ninth hole.
Monarch butterfly on Pow Wow Coneflower.