Winter has arrived and we are expecting our first snow of 2019. The crew has been busy preparing the course for the new season. Currently the entire hazard on the seventh and eighth holes has been cut back and cleaned out and now work has begun around the lake on the fourth hole. This week we were able to slice all the fairways before the ground froze. This cultural practice helps break up some of the layering in the soil profile and improves drainage. This is sometimes called linear aeration.
Luis slicing his last fairway on a very cold and windy afternoon.
Nice and neat. Depending on ground conditions it may go as deep as six inches.
Next time we need to remember to remove the temporary green cup.
The custom turf covers for eight tee finally arrived right on time. Roots are starting to move downward and the tarps will expedite rooting.
Tis the season for conferences and trade shows. This picture is from the Mid-Atlantic Nurseryman's Trade Show in Baltimore. This boxwood is over ten feet tall!
We are also in the season when our greens get that funky spotted look. This is called segregation and is caused by different genetics in the bent and poa species. Fortunately this disappears when soil temperatures rise in the spring.
Josh and Jose loading a brine solution to pretreat the club house parking lot this morning in preparation of the coming snow.
This is the way to start the new year! Ken Eiriksson with a hole in one on the thirteenth hole on Tuesday.