Wednesday, January 30, 2019

January is going out like a lion with the coldest weather we have seen this winter.  Some warm temperatures are predicted after this blast so maybe we will have some mid-winter golf before the next cold snap.  We are headed to San Diego for the Golf Industry Show tomorrow so the next blog will feature that trip and our findings.

The crew cutting back the last bit around four lake before the arctic blast.  We don't cut the ornamental grasses back for another month as they give winter protection to birds.
A quick shot of snow and then kaboom!  Baby its cold outside!!
A sign that spring is coming.


Friday, January 25, 2019

The snow has melted after some balmy weather accompanied by two rain events.  This wet pattern has persisted since September.  Long range weather calls for winter cold to stretch into March so some big snow events should not be a surprise.  In the meantime we continue to get the course ready for spring.
The crew is making good progress cutting back pond and creek banks.  We planted milkweed with seed provided by Audubon in this area as part of Monarchs in the Rough program.  Contact MONARCHSINTHEROUGH.ORG if you are interested.
Wildflowers have been cut back and the 2019 season is ready to go.
One benefit of all the rain is pinpointing where drainage is required (we just received another two and a half inches).  Here water needs to be diverted to the hazard right of the path.
This storm water should be captured in a basin before it crosses twelve fairway.
This area near the eighth tee will be repaired by raising the ground to the right of the path and allowing the water to flow between the green and red tees.
This winter project is nearly complete.  Please take it all!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Our first snow of 2019 has suspended any work on the course with the exception of plowing snow.  That's fine as there is plenty to do.  The shop looks like Santa's workshop with everything that is going on.  Refurbishing all the golf course accessories along with equipment repair makes for a crowded work place.  Thankfully everyone gets along!

A beautiful winter scene.
The predicted 3-5" quickly became 6-10".  Our crew did a nice job plowing.
Julio and Luis sanding benches with Oscar and Jose B in the background sharpening reel mowers.
Rony sanding a bench.
Francisco applying teak sealer at the end of the assembly line!
Jose Nunez, Max and Tano painting tee markers.
Another inch this morning provided a beautiful landscape. 

Friday, January 11, 2019

Winter has arrived and we are expecting our first snow of 2019.  The crew has been busy preparing the course for the new season.  Currently the entire hazard on the seventh and eighth holes has been cut back and cleaned out and now work has begun around the lake on the fourth hole.  This week we were able to slice all the fairways before the ground froze.  This cultural practice helps break up some of the layering in the soil profile and improves drainage.  This is sometimes called linear aeration.

Luis slicing his last fairway on a very cold and windy afternoon.
Nice and neat.  Depending on ground conditions it may go as deep as six inches.
Next time we need to remember to remove the temporary green cup.
The custom turf covers for eight tee finally arrived right on time.  Roots are starting to move downward and the tarps will expedite rooting.
Tis the season for conferences and trade shows.  This picture is from the Mid-Atlantic Nurseryman's Trade Show in Baltimore.  This boxwood is over ten feet tall!
We are also in the season when our greens get that funky spotted look.  This is called segregation and is caused by different genetics in the bent and poa species.  Fortunately this disappears when soil temperatures rise in the spring.
Josh and Jose loading a brine solution to pretreat the club house parking lot this morning in preparation of the coming snow.
This is the way to start the new year!  Ken Eiriksson with a hole in one on the thirteenth hole on Tuesday.


Friday, January 4, 2019

The first week of the new year is wrapping up with the usual Friday-Saturday rain.  This is ridiculous and enough is enough!  (Hah, like I can do something about it). Anyway the course remains very soft and limits us putting any equipment on the course.  The mild weather allowed us to change cups and rake bunkers several times this week.  Creek and pond bank work is slow going due to the amount of moisture in these low areas.  There is plenty of firewood available so come and get it.

Too much rain helps point out where drainage is required but it needs to freeze or dry up before it can be fixed.  This water needs to be diverted to the hazard on the right on the 9th hole.
There has been considerable erosion this year especially under trees and will require extensive seeding in the rough in 2019.  It's going to be a busy year when it stops raining.
With the amended rules of golf a new hazard line has been created on hole 2.
Another view.
Creek on 7 looking ready for 2019.
Come and get it!