Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Plenty has happened since my last post.  It finally stopped raining for one thing and then it got hot!  The crew continues to get it done.  Once again we are a little behind due to the wet spring but rapidly completing little projects.  Now its time for our Member Guest Competitions.  Good luck to all and lets hope the weather cooperates.  Oh by the way it started raining again.

Late May/ early June started out like this.  We had just repaired the bunkers and it happened again-only worse.

Your greens crew did a bang up job regrassing the driving range tee.  Here it is ready for sod.

Sod installation in progress.  We are using a hybrid developed for cold tolerance-but we know how that goes.

Josh mowing it for the first time seven days after installation.  The grass tee will open on Thursday June 21st only two weeks after sodding.  We will be cautious the first two weeks and allow limited play on it.  Range hours are as follows: open daily 7am-8pm except on Tuesday till 6:30pm.  The range opens at 7:30am on Wednesday for mowing.

Solid tine aeration has begun every two weeks throughout the summer.

Tournament preparation.  Grooming greens in two directions to help true them up.

Greens after grooming two weeks before competitions.

Topdressing approaches to firm the entry areas to the greens.

Double cutting greens on Tuesday followed by rolling-we are almost there.

Speaking of tournaments Springfield hosted the inaugural United States Senior Women's qualifier on June 6th.  These two ladies flew all the way from Sweden to try and qualify and Sofia Whitmore pictured on the right was medalist and will be playing at the Chicago Golf Club in July!