Speaking of slugs this guy found our greens to be the best place to roam until our mowers arrived.
An unfortunate mishap that shouldn't last too long. Hydraulic leaks are always a possibility and small ones are difficult to see.
Julio and Cayatano are creating some beautiful plantings.
The welcoming entry bed. These flowers are called Alternathera and a member favorite.
Aerification of collars is taking place when its dry enough.
Once aerified the collars are rolled to smooth and tighten them up.
Why we aerify. Check out the roots in the second green following the channel created by deep aeration back in March. Dick looks like a proud papa!

Here's a real success story. The picture on the left is the first fairway this time last year. The picture on the right was taken this week a year later. We are not there yet but our annual bluegrass reduction program is working as planned.
No Quincy and look what happens. Geese beware cause Jack is coming!
Our northern water snakes are in abundance this spring. Please do not harm these beneficial reptiles.
When the sun comes out the course really shines!