This is beautiful. After a dry period that required purchasing water for irrigation we received 2.25 inches of rain on August 12th that filled the lake.
Bermudagrass control with Pylex herbicide has started in the rough. Pylex bleaches out the leaf blade preventing photosynthesis which will eventually kill the bermudagrass.
Different rates are required on bentgrass and tall fescue. This is sixteen fairway at .25 oz/acre every two weeks and the rough at 1.5 oz/acre after one application. Another herbicide is added to the rough spray to kill any bentgrass as bent is an undesirable grass at rough height.
We had some pretty good yellowing of the tall fescue from our first application. We will adjust our rates accordingly to reduce this with our next spray.
Four days later the yellowing is much less.
Bentgrass selectively removed from tall fescue.
Whoops. Bentgrass damage in the fairway from overspray in the rough.
Common bermudagrass taking it on the chin.
Damaged collar on two green. The operator spilled gas in the bed of his cart and it got on the lattice used to protect the collars when mowing and this is the result. He is awaiting his trial.
Not many offices have this view!