Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The golf course is having a nice week.  Here are some random pictures during the past week.

This is a hole plug from the first green.  Notice how the aeration holes are completely filled with sand as well as the nice white roots extending below the plug.
This is a picture from the practice green on Memorial Day.  Those brown spots are foot damage caused by standing in the same spot over and over again.  Please refrain from this type of practice.
Cold temperature damage to annuals on May 25th.  Unbelievable!
We are adding additional bentgrass to our fairway nursery to test a variety of bent for our fairway conversion this fall. Here Mark and Kiv are adding soil prior to seeding.
The seedbed is complete.  Richard watering immediately after seeding.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Our greens have bounced back from aeration quite well.  We are now concentrating on trueing up the putting surfaces so get ready as they are going to change rapidly over the course of the next few weeks.  Today we groomed and will do this again on Thursday followed by rolling.  Grooming is similar to vertical mowing except it is much less aggressive.  Grooming allows the plants to grow more upright and will provide a smoother putting surface.  On Friday we will reduce the height of cut slightly.  The fertilizer that was applied after aeration was a fast release type that should begin breaking down shortly.  The guys have been "bailing hay" of late! 

A grooming reel
Julio and Oscar completed this bed today.  Magnificent!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

We recently completed aeration of all the greens.  Our staff finished this task in one day so kudos to them for getting it done so efficiently.  Unfortunately the greens must recover from this work by growing through the sand topdressing which means slow, bumpy putting surfaces.  The recent rains along with some warmer weather will enhance recovery.
Our crew detailing sand into the putting surface.

 Topdressing perfection.  The holes are all filled and sand is evenly spread.

Seeding the green
Followed by fertilization
Watering the green prior to opening.
Tulips are now available to the membership.  They may be found in the upper parking lot near the pro shop.  Allow them to dry and cut off the leaves.  Store in a paper bag in a cool, dark area and plant in November.  Leave a reminder for yourself!

The cicadas have arrived!! Saturday May 11th.